Training at Qravel

At Qravel, certified tennis trainers provide training sessions throughout the year. The sessions take place on artificial clay courts, allowing training to continue during the winter. There are different types of training available:
- Tailored Training (in Dutch Training Op Maat or TOM)- Team Training- Selection Training- Training Camps
As soon as it is possible to sign up for the training sessions, a registration form will be made available online. Members will also receive this form via email. The spring and fall seasons (March-June/September-November)During this period, there's the opportunity to train with your competition team. The USC sponsors half of these sessions because you have a yearly subscription. These sessions focus on match situations and learning to play together during doubles to perform optimally during these competitions. For those not playing in competitions or wanting additional training, there's also a block of Tailored Training (TOM) during this period, where you can work on your personal development points. Tailored Training is typically in groups of 4, sometimes expanding to 5 or 6. Additionally, you can specify if you want to train more frequently during Tailored Training.
If you want to make significant technical changes and need extra attention, you can also opt for duo training. Unfortunately, the USC does not allow us to provide private training. For better players who also want to train during weekdays, groups of 8 are often formed where you train with 1 trainer on 2 courts."
In the summer (June-half July)After the spring competition, there is a short block of Tailored Training (TOM). Since many Qravel members are active in tournaments during this time, there is extra focus on match situations.
Training Camps: During the tournament weeks of Roomburg (mid-July) and Qravel (early August), there are week-long training camps. We train together for 2 hours in the morning, followed by playing and watching matches at the tournaments in the afternoon and evening. The next day, we analyze your matches together."
During the winter (November-March)Training continues outdoors during the winter with Tailored Training. This is the longest training period and where the biggest technical improvements are made. You can also train multiple times a week if you're motivated to improve yourself.
Selection TrainingsFor the top players of Qravel, there are selection training sessions every Friday evening throughout the year, where there is also a focus on physical training. We train in a large group, so it is not only hard work but also very enjoyable. You will be invited to these sessions by the trainer.
For questions about the training sessions, you can send an email to moc.liamg%40levarqsreniart